Let's see:
From the post I was responding to:
Hmmmmm, evidently Lobo seems to be passing judgement, and in a very demeaning and sarcastic manner, which evidently is why YOU decided that this disgusting example of schadenfreude needed defending, which in and of itself says a lot about you and your so-called "refined, superior, progressive" liberal morals, values and ethics you all just love to shove down the throats of Conservatives who also post here - Bezark's little tirade starting his thread insisting that Conservatives HATE every group in society except for old, overweight white people with substance abuse issues is just a case-in-point off the top of my head to throw up as a quick example but there are dozens more on this board, some authored by YOU I might add. For people who condescendingly state how they're superior to Conservatives and have been staking out the moral high-ground in our society since the mid-'60s, you all should REALLY take a good, long, objective view of where you are and what you post!
On Monday, September 29, 2014 11:25:37 AM UTC-6, Justice wrote:
-- From the post I was responding to:
<<the ambitious rush to end the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan>>
A decade -- America's longest war -- is "rushing it"?
If that's what the Vaughns (who have long been involved in Republican politics) call a "quickie", I hate to imagine what they consider a full night of warmaking.
****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************Hmmmmm, evidently Lobo seems to be passing judgement, and in a very demeaning and sarcastic manner, which evidently is why YOU decided that this disgusting example of schadenfreude needed defending, which in and of itself says a lot about you and your so-called "refined, superior, progressive" liberal morals, values and ethics you all just love to shove down the throats of Conservatives who also post here - Bezark's little tirade starting his thread insisting that Conservatives HATE every group in society except for old, overweight white people with substance abuse issues is just a case-in-point off the top of my head to throw up as a quick example but there are dozens more on this board, some authored by YOU I might add. For people who condescendingly state how they're superior to Conservatives and have been staking out the moral high-ground in our society since the mid-'60s, you all should REALLY take a good, long, objective view of where you are and what you post!
On Monday, September 29, 2014 11:25:37 AM UTC-6, Justice wrote:
No one is denying their feelings asshole.What we are fighting about are their very own facts -- which do NOT line up with reality.
On Monday, September 29, 2014 1:04:05 PM UTC-4, xtal97 wrote:
If I lost my kid do to the foolishness of that asshole-in-high-office I would be going BALLISTIC! They can have whatever feelings they WANT!
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